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Is it a good idea to take a nap?
相信唔少人應該同小編一樣,食完個Lunch 之後都好容易「飯氣攻心」😴,一返到Office 眼皮就好似千斤重一樣,令你有想午睡嘅衝動!有人就會選擇洗個面或者飲杯咖啡☕️去清除睡意,但其實午間小睡片刻嘅好處可能比你想像中多。今日小編就同講講3個午睡嘅好處啦💕!
Planning your sleep schedule 🗓
Many people work in shifts due to their livelihood or work needs. The reversal of day and night will disrupt our sleep cycle, which means that...
Does catching up on sleep during holidays really work🧐?
During holidays, some people go out to meet friends while others get on a plane to travel far. However some people prefer to stay home and relax; catching...